How can I join Hall Council?

Each year in the Fall there are information sessions about how to get involved, hosted both by RSA and in individual complexes. There are typically elections around the third or fourth week. In order to have your name on the ballot for elections, you must fill out a Hall Council Application form (typically sent out as a Google Form early in the fall semester by your Residence Director or Resident Engagement Assistant).

If you were not elected in the Fall, Hall Councils are often looking for help with their programs and initiatives throughout the year, so you can reach out to your specific Hall Council about how to get involved (their contact information can be found here). If you’re looking for a different way to get involved, try coming to RSA’s General Council meetings every Wednesday at 7:30 PM. 

How often should our Hall Council be meeting?

Hall Councils should be meeting weekly to biweekly, depending on what works best for the Hall Council. The President is responsible for setting a meeting cadence.

What if there is a vacancy on my Hall Council?

Vacancies are dealt with on a case-by-case basis in coordination with RSA and your Residence Director. One of the remaining members on the Hall Council should discuss how to go about filling the position by emailing nuhallcouncils@gmail.com.

I don't see my question on here. Who should I ask?

If your question is about something relevant to your specific Hall Council, you can email them directly. A list of each Hall Council’s contact information can be found here. If your question is about Hall Councils in general, you should email nuhallcouncils@gmail.com.